Sustainable Development of Local Communities: ZORA Foundation at the i3.0 Strategic Partners Meeting in Šibenik

ZORA i3.0 strateško partnerstvo - Šibenik koordinacija partnera,fotografija preuzeta s mrežne stranice Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva - . Održivi razvoj lokalnih zajednica

From June 5th to 7th, 2024, the 2nd i3.0 Strategic Partners Meeting for Sustainable Development of Local Communities was held in Šibenik as part of the 'Community Potentials' Program. Representatives from the ZORA Foundation also participated in this event.

During the meeting, participants developed community management strategies and educational modules that will be implemented in 9 cities across 3 Croatian counties, including Karlovac, Slunj, and Duga Resa from Karlovac County.

Održivi razvoj lokalnih zajednica

The goal of the Program is to enable cities to develop their potential and innovative models for sustainability, thereby improving the quality of life in local communities. The Program involves high school youth, city representatives, and senior citizens. As creators of positive change, participants will develop initiatives and activities to realize the potential of their cities.

ZORA i3.0 strateško partnerstvo - Šibenik; koordinacija partnera, fotografija preuzeta s mrežne stranice Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva - .

Participants also had the opportunity to learn about best practices in working with senior citizens and youth. They visited the Public Institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik and the Trokut New Technology and Entrepreneurship Incubator.

i3.0 Strategic Partners operate in 4 program areas and bring together organizations from 3 countries. The ZORA Foundation, as a local partner to EURAC from Italy, is actively engaged in the program area of sustainable development of local communities. At the meeting, they presented their projects and future plans to esteemed partners.

Zaklada ZORA i3.0 strateško partnerstvo - Šibenik; koordinacija partnera; posjet tvrđavi

The Foundation for Sustainable Development of Local Communities and Tourism ZORA is the i3.0 Strategic Partner of the National Foundation for Civil Society Development in the area of 'Sustainable Development of Local Communities in Croatia and the Euro-Mediterranean'.